校友 Spotlight: Elizabeth Anne Martin

电影 & 媒体艺术 alum Elizabeth Anne Martin (B.A. '13) has become a successful artist in addition to her career in the film industry, both disciplines she studied during her time at Meadows.

电影 alum Lizzy Martin (B.A. '13) has become a successful artist in addition to her career in the film industry.
图: 电影 & 媒体艺术 alum Elizabeth Anne Martin (B.A. '13) has become a successful artist in addition to her career in the film industry.

Elizabeth Anne Martin (B.A. ’13) is this week’s featured alum in our new 校友 Spotlight series for the This Week at Meadows e-newsletter. Each week, a different Meadows alum will be highlighted for their accomplishments post-graduation.



As much as the coursework and classes students take at Meadows contribute to their educational experience, oftentimes it is the people they encounter that provide an even greater impact on their lives. Though she had initially planned to become an attorney, Elizabeth Anne Martin – known to by her family, 朋友, and former SMU instructors as Lizzy – made the switch to a more creative track thanks to her advisor, 珍妮特·斯蒂芬斯.


It was Stephens who encouraged her to pursue more art-focused classes like Creative Dramatics and photography, which eventually led Martin to major in 电影 & 媒体艺术. Her professors and classmates helped shape the trajectory of her career by helping her find the confidence to tackle more artistic and creative endeavors, even when they were daunting.


“总有一天, my professor assigned us something we had to do that scared us and I had become knee-buckling, 手心冒汗, throat-closing terrified of singing in front of people,” explains Martin of an experience in her Creative Dramatics class. When it came time for her to perform her song, “Part of Your World” from 小美人鱼, she found herself paralyzed and unable to remember the words. “Then, one by one my classmates started singing with me to lift me up and help me complete the song. We all sang together, and it was one of the most beautiful and powerful moments of my life.”


Her recovered confidence carried her through the rest of her Meadows experience, where she took countless film classes and worked toward a career in the film industry. 到目前为止, 她生产了, 导演, and wrote for CBS Radio, 德州游骑兵队, t - mobile, 和UTA, as well wrote and worked on music videos, short films and feature films. In addition to writing for many universities worldwide, she also currently donates her time by volunteering to periodically teach directing and scriptwriting master classes at Dallas’ Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual 艺术s, where her daughter is currently a junior.


“Every filmmaker needs to know four things: how to shoot with a camera, 照明, 录音, 和编辑,马丁说。, who still uses tricks she learned in her film classes to this day. “Everything around you is a story, but you have to know how to capture it; I am a born storyteller that has been given the support and guidance to tell my stories in so many different forms.”


Two pieces of artwork that depict anatomically correct hearts in red and black.

Two of Martin's artworks: "777-1" Liquid to Solid Foam, 丙烯酸, 纸, 树脂, Canvas (left) and "Black Heart Gold Chains" Liquid to Solid Foam, 24 k黄金, 指甲, 螺丝, 金属, 丙烯酸, 树脂, 画布(右)


Though her career has been in the film industry, Martin is also an artist. In this professional realm of her life, she channels her storytelling abilities into painting and creating sculptures on canvas. 她的作品, which are often inspired by the human heart, are structural in nature and play with innovative techniques and materials. While she originally produced pieces for 朋友, demand for her work has grown and Martin has now sold art all over the world and regularly takes commission requests.


“With the support of my family and my professors, I was able to grow into the person I am and maybe have always been.”


One of Martin’s more recent artistic endeavors was partnering with young female CEO to create the artwork for the labels of their new wine collection called Closure Wine. You can view the wine label below, and view more of Martin’s artwork 在她的Instagram上






Learn more about the Division of 电影 & 这里的媒体艺术.

A wine bottle with an artistically designed label sits next to a glass of red wine.